Sunday 27 November 2016

How To Register

To register your account in MMM Nigeria, kindly follow the simple steps below:

Please follow this link: 
or copy and paste it in your browser. Click on 'REGISTRATION' as shown in the image below.
On the next page, fill in your details as requested.

For:- ‘Invite’ enter: (if it’s not prefilled)
         ‘Guider email’ enter:
         ‘Guider Phone’ enter: leave blank
Click on Register in MMM
Congratulations! You just registered your account in MMM Nigeria. Next we setup our account.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

How To Setup Your Account

Before you start to Provide Help (PH) you should specify the account number where you want to receive money from other members of the Community. You can specify a bank account and/or bitcoin address (you can specify one. It mustn’t be the two).
Now, click “Accounts” in the top menu in your Personal Office (PO). Then you will be on the “Personal Accounts” page. As shown in the picture below then click “Add”. 
Then fill in your details as shown below:-

1. For Naira Bank Details: - Please follow the sample below. For the BIC code, please google for your bank’s code or you can contact (contacts details bellow) me to help you get it.
2. For Bitcoin wallet Details: Please follow the sample below.
Once done with filling your details, click "Save"

MMM Bonuses

MMM Bonuses


  In addition to the fixed 30% monthly earnings, MMM gives certain bonuses to its participants also. These bonuses range from registration bonus - for first donation, referral and Guider bonuses - for active participants that is contributing to the growth of the community and bringing in members to expand the community etc.

These are bonuses for your first donation (Provide Help) once you become a member of the community.

$20 - for first donation from NGN 11,000 - NGN 109,780  ($50 to $499)
$50 - for first donation from  NGN 110,000 - above

10% - you will get 10% from all donations of the participant you invite to MMM. Inviting new members to the community is your additional contribution to its development. But nobody force the members of the Community to invite new participants.


Guiders of MMM Community can create their own multi-level structures and get a bonus from each donation of every participant in their structures. This is a multi-level bonus, thus a guider can have his own leader whose rank is higher. Guider’s bonus depends on his level in the Community: 

To become a Guider, you will have to attend a 10 days online MMM Guider school - it is absolutely FREE.

Guider’s bonus
5% – from first-level participants’ donations 
3% – the second level 
1% – the third level
0.5% – the fourth level 
0.25% – the fifth level
0.1% – the sixth level
0.05% – the seventh level
0.03% – the eighth level 
0.01% – the next level
This is bonus received after you Get Help (GH)/received assistance and do a testimonial video.
10% - of the amount of the received help if the video is with your face and voice.
3% - if the amount of the received help if the video do not show your face.

 Credit: Olaopa Taofeek

How To Get Help (GH) - Withdraw

If you have provided help, then you too are able to request for assistance.

1. From your dashboard PO click on “Get Help”

2. On the next page you need to choose: you want to receive help on your already registered account, or on another (new) account. Then Click “Next”

Select the bank account and click “Next”

3. On the next page, choose the desired amount of help – the amount you want to withdraw. Verify the correctness of the information and click "Next"

On the "Dashboard" page, under the button "Get Help", you will see the active (of yellow color) request for receiving assistance.
Ones an order is available and it has been sent, you will receive an alert from your bank about it. You then have to login to your MMM account to confirm it as shown below.

NOTE: Please before you confirm fund reception, make sure you have actually received the fund into your bank account or bitcoin wallet.

How To Provide Help (PH) - Deposit.

1. Go to your dashboard and click the big Green button that has “Provide Help” written in it.

Then follow the directions shown in the pictures below:-

 2. In the new appeared window, tick the box that you are aware of all the risks and click “Next”

3. On the next page you have to choose the way u want to Provide Help (PH). If you want to donate with Bitcoin select “BitCoin” and if is with Bank, select "Other bank" scroll down and click “Next”
4. On the next page, enter the amount which you want to provide help with, then click “Select”


Once you click "Select", the amount will be filled in the below box before 'current growth of 30% per month' as shown in the image below, then click 'Next'


5. Check the correctness of the information: whether you really want to provide help for that amount and for this mutual aid program. If everything is correct, click "Next".

6. On the "Dashboard", under the button "Get Help", you will see the active (of green color) request for providing assistance. ‘Active’ is a request that has already been created, but not been executed yet (not completed).


Once gotten here, you then need to wait for an order to come in. In the order you will get the bank details or bitcoin address of the person to send your PH funds to.

NOTE: - Your bitcoin or bank account is MMM’s account. MMM has no central account. So keep the funds intact till when the order that will show who to send it to will come in.
This can take form 1day to 3weeks. BUT the good news is, your money starts growing from the day you provided the help and you have it on your dashboard as shown above. So, it’s a WIN-WIN situation

Ensure you login to your account at least once a day so as to know when your PH order come in. Why? You have maximum 36hours for bitcoin and 48hours for bank payments. But you also have an option to extend it by 24hours too if you so want.
NOTE:- Failure to pay to the shown account details on your PH order within the stipulated time, MMM WILL BLOCK YOUR ACCOUNT. Please ensure your meet up with the time and don't what you can't pay!!!
Once the order to send the money to another participants comes in, you will see it in your PO as shown below


7. Click on the order and you will see the contacts of the recipient and the data of his account where you will need to transfer the money to.


Make the payment to the account. After you transferred/deposit into the money to the recipient, please click on the order and in the opened window "Detailed order information" click "I completed this payment


Attach your payment proof screenshot (you can use your phone’s camera to snap and upload this), then scroll down and click “Next”


You indicated that you have made the payment, and the circle on the left of the order will be half-green. As soon as the other participant will confirm receipt of the money, order will be executed and the circle will become completely green.


Once the recipient confirmed reception, your Mavro will turn green. Click on “Mavro” tab at the top of your PO to see your Mavros. 


 The MMM Community is built on the principles of mutual aid and benevolence. As a result, MMM is much more progressive than any other commercial company. In a commercial company, money is a goal. And if the company is not profitable, it goes bankrupt and closes down. MMM doesn’t keep money, but simply join together people willing to provide assistance to those who are willing to receive it. Therefore, MMM can't go bankrupt. The founder and leaders of MMM are public figures. They regularly record video messages. Since January 10, 2011 MMM has never stopped its activity. It is impossible that one day MMM will close down and will cease to exist

The main factor of MMM’s success is a continuous progressive growth of the active members of the Community who are actively engaged in the development of the system, and, in addition, request assistance not in the full amount, which they have available, but only the amount which they really need for their personal and family needs. However, it is incorrect to say that the participation in MMM does not pose any risk. There are some risks! And we want to tell about them publicly and in detail. As you know, in the PO the Community member, after he/she has donated money, is charged with the conventional unit – mavros, which constantly grows, and he/she also can see the maximum assistance which is allowed to request. But theoretically it might happen that the participant asks for help, and this assistance is not provided (the order to receive money doesn’t come). This would occur if the total number of requests for assistance exceeded the amount of requests to provide assistance (in other words - more people want to get donations than to donate themselves). The worst-case scenario in this situation is restart when the received mavros are cancelled. In this case, the work of the Community is re-launched and all participants can continue to participate from zero. However, the members of the MMM Community have developed a lot of measures to avoid this scenario.

Risk No. 1. Get under the PAUSE mode, and waste TIME (NOT money!). If in MMM there are signs of the panic, Sergei Panteleevich will notice the withdrawal to be sharply increased in the statistics available ... If there are no other ways to stop panic, Sergei Panteleevich will announce mode PAUSE in MMM.
The PAUSE means all contributions in MMM are divided into two parts: BEFORE and AFTER the pause announcement. Before the introduction of PAUSES the growth of the money stops - money does not grow (as if the button PAUSE was pressed on the tape recorder, everything just stops). At this time of MMM you can take out only the face value (the amount you deposited minus the amount you have already received (without interest) multiplied by a special coefficient k.

Withdrawal amount = (the sum you deposited – the sum you have taken out for the time of participation) * k

Special coefficient k determines the scale of the panic. If in the first days after PAUSES introduction mass withdrawal from the MMM continues, there will be another coefficient k set, so that there would be enough money for everyone. Up to 0.5 (half of the contributed amount). Typically, the coefficient k is equal to 1.1, i.e., all those wishing to leave the PAUSE are paid the face value + 10%. And this, by the way, is as much as the Bank pays for a year!

The PAUSE mode is introduced a 2.5 month period. During this time, incoming cash flows are compared with the outgoing TO the introduction of PAUSE, and panic among the participants completely stops. Once this happens, the PAUSE is cancelled; the growth of "old" money and all payments is resumed in the usual way.

Do any people get upset? I don't think so. The maximum that can be lost here is the time - 2.5 months. Not so bad, considering the growth rate of money in MMM. Isn’t it?! :-))

Risk No. 2. Restart. Full reset of all MMM debts to the participants. Restarts are quite unlikely with the appearance of PAUSE mode. Yet it is necessary to take into account the risk, as there are no guarantees and promises. Let's suppose that MMM resources have been exhausted because of panic. It cannot pay any interest rates on contributions, as well as cannot return even a nominal. Incoming cash flows are almost absent, and there are many requests for taking out. In this case, restart is declared - full reset of all System's debts. Everything begins again.

What measures are taken to provide reliable work of the MMM Community?
When the number of the Community members is growing, the pyramid scheme allows each participant to receive a larger amount of donation than he did. But a pyramid scheme is not very effective when growth rates are low and when a lot of participants have requested assistance at the same moment. Therefore, MMM uses a number of other mechanisms to stabilize the Community work in such situations. They include:
1. Pause Mode. During the Pause Mode, the mavos which accrued in the participant’s Personal Office before the beginning of this mode, stop its growth. As the Pause Mode ends, the "old" mavros continue growing again, and you can get help. The Pause Mode can last for one to two months. While paused, you can exchange all the old mavros, but at a floating ratio.
2. Floating Ratio. If it is impossible to pay the requested amount fully to the participants, there can be introduced a special ratio and participants will receive assistance in part. For example, during the previous Pause Mode, it was allowed to exchange all mavros and get help, which would be 110% of that you had gave.
3. Installment Receipts. MMM follows the rule - the order to receive money should come in half an hour after making the request. But in the difficult for the Community period, participants may not receive help immediately, but in parts (for example, each week they will receive an installment of 25% of the amount requested).

All the measures described above are the precautions for the future. Now MMM global is working successfully, and taking any of the pointed measures is not required!
 What can I personally do for our Community security?
The Community members do not have any legal obligations and agreements. Taking part in the Community is a personal decision of each participant and his personal responsibility. There couldn’t be any guarantees and promises in principle. The work of the Community depends entirely on its members’ behavior.  At the same time, there are a few simple tips and recommendations, which will make participation in MMM safer for you:
1.Don’t donate the sum which is critical for you. Remember: in MMM money is not invested, but donated by some participants to other ones. It is better to help with a little money, but to do it sincerely and with all your heart.
2. Regularly give and ask for help.  It is unwise to wait until the amount available for withdrawal, will be astronomically large, and then request the entire amount at once.  It's harmful for you and for the community as a whole. MMM was not created for enrichment, but for other purposes. It is safer to help weekly with a small amount (regard MMM as a piggy bank). Don't hesitate to ask for assistance whenever it is necessary, but not more than you need. I.e. if you want to buy a TV for $ 1000, you don’t have to request assistance for 10 thousand dollars.
3. Tell about MMM and invite to the Community. As it has been mentioned earlier, the work of the Community wholly and fully depends on the activity and actions of its participants. MMM will work in a stable way if each participant invites just one new member per month. It is simple to tell about MMM - our Community is open to all people regardless of status and income level. We are proud of what we are doing. And don't forget to mention that MMM is a Community of mutual help, and not a way of making money.
4. Be positive to it. We want MMM to bring people only positive emotions. We want the members of our Community to be happy and share happiness with others. Be sincere with yourself and don't venture a lot of money, so as not to worry later. On the Internet there are a lot of scam projects. And if you have visited MMM site for the first time, you will doubt: what's true and what's false. This is normal - you should always be careful and your decisions should always be conscious and well documented. If you have any questions, please contact our consultants.

The MMM Community is developed by its participants.Our activity, kindness and creativity determine how comfortable and safe the Community will be!

Rules and Regulations



People who want to join MMM register on the website and get an access to a personal office (PO). In the PO the participant makes request both to provide and receive assistance of the selected amount. Thanks to the automatic program, MMM connects those who want to get donation with those who are willing to donate it: the donator and recipient can see the contact details of each other, can chat, and can even get in touch over the telephone.

MMM appreciates and rewards those who provide assistance to other participants. The donator gets special points in his PO – mavros. The amount of mavros reflects the maximum amount of assistance that a participant may request.

General Rules
1. Assistance given from one member of the community to another is a non-repayable donation of money.
2. Participants should donate only non-critical sums of money. This is the amount that the participant can donate gratuitously.
3. Participants share ideas and goals of the MMM Community.
4. Members of the MMM Community should be kind and honest to each other.
5. The conditions of mutual-aid and bonus programs, as well as the quantity of awarded mavros could be unilaterally changed at any moment for better operation of the Community.
6. Participants of the Community have not legal but moral responsibilities to each other.
7. MMM is not engaged in any form of investment activity.
8. Multiple registration and creating multiple accounts are forbidden. One participant can register only one account. In case of violation of this rule, all accounts of the participant will be blocked.

The Legal Status of the MMM Community
The MMM Community is not a corporation or a business project. MMM doesn’t have any bank accounts, does not conduct any commercial activities and does not provide investment or consulting services. The MMM Community is a voluntary association of private persons.
The Community members give each other money gratuitously, without any treaties and promises. Therefore, the Community members do not come to any legal relationship with each other. Donating money between private persons is not prohibited by international and national legislation. But in some countries the donation of large sums is taxed. Participants of the MMM Communities themselves comply with the tax laws and other legislation of the country of their residence.

The members should understand that MMM is a community for peer-to-peer money exchange. Thus, MMM only redistributes money between its participants, connecting a donator to a recipient. Therefore, in order that the mutual aid process may be beneficial and not be stopped, the number of participants donating money should generally increase. The Community constantly works to improve the reliability of the mechanism of mutual assistance. However, it may happen that those who have donated money will not receive help back. Donate only spare money! Nevertheless, we are convinced that the MMM Community benefits the society by the redistribution of money in time. Those who have spare money at the moment give it to those who need money.